Saturday 28 November 2015

Haircut Time

I don't really talk much about my hair, tending to focus on fashion more than anything else.

I've always had a unique relationship with my hair.  When I grew up it was fairly blonde, but by the time I was a teenager it had darkened to a greyish brown mouses colour.  It never looked very exciting.

At 14, when I got a paid paper round and was earning my own money, I bought some Sun In, which simply sprayed into your hair and helped the sun to make it go blonder.  It helped, but only a little.  Once I got into my twenties I could afford to go to the hairdresser and had a lot of highlights.  But once I hit my thirties, there was a sea change in my hair colour, with it regularly switching between red, purple and black.

Now I am working to blonde it up again and things are going very well.  My hairdresser, Emma, is on a mission!  It's a crappy photo, but hopefully you can see how blonde it is going.

I go to the Gregory Roe salon in Nantwich - click on the link if you're South Cheshire based and want to know more. 

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